The proper definition of an ebook is: A publication consisting of text, images or both in a digital format. No longer is the publishing world restricted only to the print medium! In the business world, the launch of ebooks is a daily occurrence. They’re quick and easy reference tools that give a top-line view on various topics and channels, providing business managers with additional learning resources. Social media and Inbound Marketing (AB testing) opened the door to how-to ebooks for business. After all, as a business manager, if you don’t have the knowledge or understanding you need, then you can’t be expected to manage properly. Two of my favourite ebook resources are Hubspot and Optify. Both offer some good examples of ebooks that are quick, easy reads… and provide knowledge.

In today’s world, all you has to do is google “ebooks” to discover the potential for knowledge is just a click away! You’ll likely find a free ebook on exactly what you were curious about, just waiting for you to download and expand your knowledge base. From a business perspective, you can find ebooks on marketing, social media, design, sales, even human resources… they’re all out there! The proliferation of self published, free ebooks online is astounding. I get an email notification at least once every two days promoting another ebook of some sort.

Writing an ebook is no small task… so you need to ask yourself, “Why do it?”. Here are the reasons:

  1. Perception is reality.
    Consultants, corporations and all types of businesses are out there promoting the services they offer to further establish themselves as experts in their industry. And, they’re providing the information freely. That’s a solid reason for businesses to consider writing ebooks.
  2. Gathering and generating leads.
    It stands to reason that if that if a business is giving out knowledge and information freely, it can minimally ask for an email address, name, company name and coordinates. In cases where the business offering ebooks becomes reputable at providing good, sound information, sales questions can be added to the form that visitors need to fill out in order to download.
  3. Building on-site traffic.
    Just creating and launching an ebook is not enough. You need to promote it. You can do that through LinkedIn by including it in your updates and in the promotions tab of the Groups you are following. Also, don’t forget to use your Twitter account or Facebook Page. Doing all of this and leading it back to your site, assists in building traffic, increasing the profile of your business and providing a good first impression to potential clients. And of course, you need to make sure that your website is up to par as well!

At the risk of sounding self promotional, we at 3H already have a complete “Understood” ebook series. And stay tuned, soon we’ll be launching the first ebook in our new series “re:design” – providing insight into the world of design. Do you have any favourite ebooks? Share them here!