Is the almighty business website a thing of the past? Many are saying Social Media is where it’s at today. Actually anything social media, including content creation, content sharing, reaching out and blogging are all the new must haves for business. With all the hoopla about social media and the introduction of so many social media platforms, many businesses are questioning the point of keeping a business website. However, there is still a need for it and it all has to do with first impressions.

It goes without saying that there are many advantages to social media but there are equally if not stronger advantages for businesses to also maintain their website. This is the place where prospective clients will go to get their first impression of your business. Who are you? What do you do? What services do you provide? How easy is it to connect with a sales representative? These questions are all part of the first impression equation. Also, it’s the only place online where you have 100% control over the content and ultimately how potential clients perceive you. Additionally, your business website must be up to par with all the current methods of social sharing and sales lead generation. Gone is the static brochure business website that provided no dialogue and no potential conversation.

A business website is about making a good first impression but the new business website also needs to leverage the demands of sales needs for the evolutionary digital landscape.

In today’s very competitive digital and sales environments, it’s important to get found and it’s important to be “there” when potential clients are looking for your product or service. As mentioned previously, brochure websites are a thing of the past. Planning and SEO strategies are essential when implementing a website. Here are 3 additional simple must-dos in order to augment the performance of a business website:

1) Articulate the objectives for your business website. This is necessary in achieving ROI on the investment.

2) Establish key strategies to keep your website fresh. It’s important to provide relevant and timely content on your site so potential clients have a reason to keep coming back.

3) Facilitate dialogue and contact. Enabling several touch points for visitors to comment or reach out is essential for developing relationships and sales lead generation. Identify key pages within the site that will prompt a call to action. Also having sharing tools is key.

The business website is still necessary and very viable. The danger is placing all your energy on social media platforms while neglecting your business website. Both have to work in tandem and be supportive of one another. If created properly, the business website should act as the central point for all other digital initiatives created for social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc), eNewsletters and of course sales lead generation.

Let me know what you think. I invite you to go to our site and see how we’ve designed an integrated business website.