We are all out there: surfing, posting, responding, blogging and purchasing all on our very own personal computers. Our computers are an extension of ourselves and as a result we are lulled into believing or feeling that we are all safe – that Web security doesn’t apply to us. Think about this, the last time you went online shopping, surfing, researching or downloading information onto your computer did you even stop to think about the potential risk you had exposed yourself to? If you ask yourself right now how protected the information residing on your laptop or computer is when online, would you even know the right questions to ask in order to get the answer?

In light of the not so recent event involving the photo hacking from Jennifer Lawrence, I had written a blog about online security and the expectation of security. Now, I want to explore how educated individuals are about their computer security and securing their personal information from would-be thieves. I am not quite sure if the culprit of these security breaches is a result of misinformation about Web security or a lack of know-how about Web security. Which camp do you fall into?

Here are a few statements to determine if you are savvy about Web security and keeping your computer safe from harm’s way. Do you agree with the following statements?

1) I’m no celebrity, so who would want anything on my computer? Securing your computer is a priority no matter who you are or what you do. It doesn’t matter if you’re a star or not! If you use your computer to hook up to Internet, you are as vulnerable as Jennifer Lawrence. There are programs on the net written specifically by hackers who want nothing but to get at your information and they write these programs to execute “at large”!

2) I really have nothing of importance on my computer. Okay I believe you, but that’s actually not true. Your name, address and email are all that need to be comprised to set you up for identity theft. Every email received, from financial institutions to airline tickets and boarding passes, hotel confirmations or online receipts are added clues for hackers to start building a profile – yours!

3) Any message I receive that carries sensitive information I delete, so I am good. Hasn’t it happened to all of us at some point where we inadvertently delete a file? Remember the panic? Remember the IT guy that saved your life and recovered it from the “delete universe” where the common man doesn’t go? Well, that’s the same place all your deleted information goes. Think of your computer as the Eagles’ Hotel California: You can check in anytime you like, but you can never leave! Even when you delete information, it is never really truly gone.

Computer security and Web security are one and the same. If you are the on the World Wide Web, staying on top of the potential risks you computer is subject to is important. In a society that is quickly allowing each and every one of us to be publicized, it’s important that you don’t falsely assume that your computer is safe. So how did you fare answering the questions? Let me know.