This may seem counterintuitive and, for those who read my posts, contradictory! I recently wrote an article about how “Good Enough” isn’t beneficial for marketing and branding. Now, I would like to talk about the Perfectionist Marketing Syndrome (PMS). It’s real and it’s costly.

Waiting for Perfection.

Waiting for everything to be perfect can cause marketers to miss significant opportunities to learn, reassess, and evolve their brands!  In business, we’ve all heard about the 80/20 rule: 20% of our target audience make up 80% of a brand’s sales.

I prefer to think in terms of a 90%/10% ratio when it comes to creative presentations, especially where the deployment is for social media. If a creative communication piece is 90% on target in terms of the brand and it’s premise, it’s time for an evaluation. Do we go ahead or do we wait?

Are you risk adverse? Do you suffer from PMS (perfectionist marketing syndrome)?

I’ve seen program launches stalled because someone didn’t like a word or the shade of a colour.  This obsession with perfection can be harmful. In the fast-paced world of social media and marketing, timing is everything. Waiting for perfection to close the gap of that 10% can mean missing a crucial moment to engage with your audience.

Don’t get me wrong…I’m not saying that if the creative tone or style, and presentation of your brand is not right, that marketers should press the “go” button. The fact is if the creative in any way is not aligned to the Brand, Brand Essence or Persona, then the creative wouldn’t be 90% there! So this is a moot point.

Let go of your PMS!

Embrace the 90%/10% rule. It’s time to liberate yourself from PMS (perfectionist marketing syndrome). Be bold and brave enough to launch and humble enough to learn. It’s not about being perfect; it’s about being the Brand being present, responsive and yes…authentic! That’s where true creativity and connection lie.

Spend your time wisely… or wiser

Instead of trying to achieve perfection in creative colours or font usage, layout or if a headline is centred or flushed right,  use the effort you would spend on earning the 10% for real-time feedback and adjustment. Launch your campaign! See how your audience reacts, and be ready to pivot and improve. This keeps the momentum going and allows for genuine engagement based on real user interaction rather than a theoretical ideal.

Remember your audience.

Think about it—when was the last time you deeply engaged with a perfect piece of content? Chances are, it was the authenticity and relatability that drew you in, not polished perfection. Your target doesn’t see your brand’s communication piece in the same way. Remember that. Instead, thrive on innovation and adaptability. It’s been my experience that some of the most impactful campaigns come from spontaneous, almost-there moments that resonate with the audience.

It’s time to say good-bye to PMS!