by Miriam Hara | Aug 28, 2015 | Advertising, Agency, Business Success, Communications, Content, Interactive, Latest, Management, Marketing, Social Media
In life, we need a plan. To create rich content, we need a plan. There’s a lot of buzz around content and content creation. For those new to content and content creation, it can get confusing. What is content? In a nutshell: content = information. Rich content = great...
by Christine Marr | Jul 9, 2012 | Advertising, Branding, Business Success, Creative
What’s in a brand positioning statement? In clear terms, it defines your company’s direction… and actually acts as a compass through growth opportunities and changing market conditions. It is the critical platform for all communications. Without...
by Christine Marr | Jun 11, 2012 | Branding, Business Success, Interactive, Social Media
Are you going app-crazy? How many apps do you have downloaded on your iPhone, iPad, Blackberry or Android? Surely you’ve contributed to the latest stats that I’ve been hearing… to date, Apple has surpassed 25 billion (BILLION) apps downloaded, and...
by Miriam Hara | Aug 4, 2011 | Business Success
Sometimes it’s not enough to speak to your target. In a constantly evolving market, the exchange of information is important and a long-term appreciation for the interactions within the landscape is crucial. An interactive approach in today’s environment makes...
by Miriam Hara | Mar 30, 2011 | Advertising
Many marketers believe that the internet has replaced classic research methodology. The interactive/digital arena has allowed us different channels or more accurately, a different way to approach research. The age of online surveys is upon us- with its panel...