Steve Jobs passed Wednesday October 5, 2011 and around the world people have written and spoken of the contributions that he has made to our world. If there ever was a person that demonstrated what drive, vision, creativity and above all passion can lead to… it definitely was Steve Jobs. We watched as he changed our world, and continued to do so, even as he was faced with his own mortality. President Obama released this statement regarding the passing of Steve Jobs. Bill Gates, Microsoft’s Co-founder and technology competitor to Steve Jobs wrote what an insane honour… and talks about their 30 year relationship. Across the world sentiments chime in from all types of people. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev stated “People like Steve Jobs change our world.”
As a creative person, I have professionally grown up with the MAC and by default, followed Steve Jobs and MAC ‘s innovation. Steve Jobs initially changed the landscape of my professional world… and in the last few years, I have watched him changed the landscape of our everyday lives. His legacy has changed the course of human communications and interactions. Few people leave behind such a profound mark on humanity so, in the true measure of a life, I say, well done Steve Jobs. Bravo!

Interpretation by Jonathan Mak Long