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Blog: 3H Hoopla

Creating Brands: Good enough?

Creating Brands: Good enough?

Set the Bar High When you're in the business of creating brands the bar needs to be set high.That doesn't mean that the brand should be high end. Creating a brand from the ground up is essentially comprised of many different "conscious marketing" decisions that are...

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Leverage LinkedIn for Business

Leverage LinkedIn for Business

Like many social platforms, the LinkedIn social platform has evolved. It launched itself as a social platform for professionals and to a large extent it has maintained that unique edge. I would argue that LinkedIn has somewhat devolved into a professional Facebook...

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Brand Image Isn’t Brand Identity

Brand Image Isn’t Brand Identity

The name of the marketing game is brand awareness. If your brand (product or service) doesn't achieve a strong brand awareness among your intended audience, it'll probably end up in the proverbial big black hole in the marketplace universe. Ensuring your brand doesn't...

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The Evolution of Casual Fridays

The Evolution of Casual Fridays

The Evolution of Casual Fridays   Remember when Casual Fridays were the highlight of the week? It was that one day you could ditch the high heels and starched shirts for something more laid-back. For a while, the art and advertising industries led this trend. We...

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Retro Marketing Strategy

Retro Marketing Strategy

Back to the Future What a powerful tool Nostalgia is, especially in advertising. Connecting with your target market on an emotional level is the sweet spot we are all looking for as marketers. Creating nostalgia through advertising brings back fond memories and...

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Functional Branding: A Deeper Connection

Functional Branding: A Deeper Connection

What is functional branding? You've heard of functional art. It's where art meets practicality without giving up on its artistic value. In essence it's the delicate balance of form and function. Functional branding follows the same line of thinking. It's where...

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What’s in a colour?

What’s in a colour?

What’s in a Colour? More Than You Think! Have you ever paused to consider how much colour influences and shapes our lives? It's pretty amazing when you think about it. Our brains are hardwired to respond to colour in particular ways. A very basic example is how we...

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Marketing Creative: Inside the box thinking

Marketing Creative: Inside the box thinking

 'Marketing Creative': What's that? Marketing Creative is the ability to hone in on a brand's message. Regardless of the industry it's imperative to creatively articulate the brand message. Ultimately this is achieved by a creative team's use of their transferable...

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