Brand Marketing: Making a Mark Effectively

Brand Marketing: Making a Mark Effectively

Brand marketing, figuratively speaking, has always been about placing a “stake in the sand”. Literally, this means determining a stance composed of strategy, a slew of tactics and the commitment to stay the course. However in today’s workplace and at...
Brand Character: Adding layers

Brand Character: Adding layers

The year is 2014 and the way brand character is now defined is quite different from 5 years ago. Brand value on an emotive and creative level has always been about brand character, or as some often call it, brand persona. In days gone by, the shaping of brand...
Podcasting: Your Next Marketing Strategy?

Podcasting: Your Next Marketing Strategy?

What comes to mind when you think of podcasting? Do you imagine a vengeful geek complaining about the newest tech gadget failing to meet his standards? Or is it a comic book nerd narrating his newest fiction novel? Thanks to the innovative design and distribution of...
Search Optimization: Less is More

Search Optimization: Less is More

When a business embarks on a site refresh or re-design, one of the key factors to consider is whether search optimization has been implemented in the content that lives on each page. Is the website complicated and busy? Is it intuitive and easy to navigate? While...
A Marketing Plan for Success!

A Marketing Plan for Success!

As 2013 is ending, budgeting for 2014 is well under way. In fact, for many companies budgets and the business plans for 2014 are already in place. But the piece that is often missing is the marketing plan. The marketing plan will include a list of actionable items to...