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Blog: 3H Hoopla
What Creative Agencies Need to Be.
In my last post I stated why I feel that there is a big disconnect between creative agencies and clients. You can read that article here. Below is a short recap. It is my belief that the single-focused creative agencies continuing to work in the same way they did over...
What’s Up with the Typical Creative Agency?
Change is due for the creative agency. In the year 2015 and beyond creative agencies must learn relevancy. A recent article I came across stated that clients are increasingly going directly to production houses for their creative – bypassing the creative agency...
Owning the customer journey. Myth?
There's a lot of hype in today's marketing world about owning the customer journey. With the proliferation of so many communication venues (both established and personalized), it's a challenge for brands to be everywhere. A mere five years ago marketers were touting...
Brand Building: Don’t wink in the dark
A mere decade ago, brand building was essentially created on the pillars of packaging and advertising. It involved one-way dialogues and communications. Many feel that those were simpler and easier days. However, some brands were launched only to be left winking in...
Content Marketing: Are we there yet?
Marketing has expanded and evolved due largely in part to the internet and the launch of what is now referred to as the social media channel. Social media was once all the buzz. Now it needs to step aside to allow for the new buzz: Content marketing. Content marketing...
What not to do: Business 101
To achieve success in business today, you need to know what to do. However, it's equally as important to know what not to do. Over the years I have had the privilege of working in a number of different industries for many different brands. I’ve also worked within both...
My Favourite Business Insight from Einstein
I love Einstein – so much so that I have a sculpture of his face hanging on the wall in my office. Beyond his obvious legacy of scientific knowledge and forward thinking, I believe that he had a keen ability to zero in on the obvious about the human...
A business strategy that makes sense.
We've all heard it before: The sign of a good manager is someone who surrounds themselves with stronger people. This business strategy can be employed in all aspects of business. Ultimately, by hiring people that are stronger, it implies that the manager understands...
Business Casual: More than the clothes we wear
There used to be a time when you wouldn't think of going to the office without wearing a jacket or a suit. Adding structure to your stature was a definite requirement. Business casual used to mean dressing down only on Fridays. I remember when 'Casual Fridays' first...
Personal Brand Logo: Some tips for Hillary
There was a time when brand logos were only associated with a business or product. Enter the age of social media and marketing opportunities have opened up. The popularity and ease of use of social media have not only created the option of having a personal brand, but...