I’ve written several posts before on what to post, when to post, and how to post – but in this article, I want to discuss where to post. Which, admittedly, is just as important to identify as the other Ws of Social Engagement. Like most marketing efforts, there isn’t just one formula that works across all social platforms.

Noting this, here is an outline of some of the more popular platforms and the type of social engagement content that best suits their demographics:

This is probably the most liberal social platform for businesses in that you can post pictures, video, links, polls, etc. to engage users. Still, the most dominant demographic for this tool are women between the ages of 18-29.

For more detailed tips on increasing Twitter engagement, read my post here. Twitter actually has a more mature community, so the information (or the tone) in which you communicate should be tailored as such. The fastest growing demographic for Twitter are urban residents between the ages of 55-64.

This application wasn’t meant for hefty, wordy content. Instead of uploading a conspicuous sales pitch with a lengthy description, consider posting a well-positioned product in a picturesque setting for optimal impressions. The top demographic for Instagram are women between the ages of 18-29.

With a younger demographic (13-23 years old) and a shorter attention span (pictures automatically delete after a timed option), businesses have the opportunity to tap into a new, uncharted territory with fast, impressionable images.

With women in the lead, making up 80% of the demographic on Pinterest and between the ages of 25-34, this is probably one of the most gender-skewed platforms for businesses to consider when advertising a product or service. The same applies to this platform as Instagram: use a captivating image with a strong message and attach a link for interested users.

Having some clarity about the leading demographics and functions of these leading social platforms may help when deciding what, when, how, and where to post for optimal social engagement.

What are some of the creative campaigns you’ve noted that increases social engagement?