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Blog: 3H Hoopla

True Brand: Is Yours?

A True Brand Isn't Optional The word “authenticity” has finally had its run, being overused to the point of dilution. However the concept of authenticity and its intention  is prevalent in many corporate boardrooms. Out of the ruins of authenticity comes a stronger...

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Authentic: It’s Buzz Is Over

The marketing space is totally immersed with buzzwords that seem to dominate the collective thinking for a few years and then eventually fade away.  Over the past decade, "authentic" has been that word—a term so pervasive that its over use has now made it obsolete and...

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Of Brief Importance… Pun Intended

If there is one thing that has remained with the test of time in the brand marketing world, it is 'The Brief'. It has been the 'one document' that bridges streamlined information about the brand between brand marketers and creative marketing agencies since... or even...

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The Millennial Relevancy

Millennials: All Grown Up. While Millennials (ages 27–43) may have less wealth than previous generations (Baby boomers and Gex X), their purchasing power is strategic, values-driven, and intentional. There's much ado about Gen Z , and in fact that generation may be...

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2024: A Prolific Year—Where Words Are Concerned

The 2024 Word(s) of the Year I don't know if you feel the same way as I do, but there's something oddly satisfying about seeing an entire year—its ups, downs, and collective quirks—wrapped up in a single word. But 2024? This year instead of one word stepping forward...

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Holiday Nostalgia, the gift that keeps on giving.

Holiday Nostalgia, the gift that keeps on giving.

The holiday season is full steam ahead, bringing with it sparkling silver bells, holiday imagery and of course seasonal advertising. It almost seems as though snowflakes come pre-loaded with cherished memories and iconic movie moments that have shaped how we see the...

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Greeting Cards: The Ghost of Christmas Past?

Greeting Cards: The Ghost of Christmas Past?

Are Greeting Cards the Next Dodo Bird? In 2024... ...with our inboxes overflowing and social media delivering instant "Happy Holidays" posts, is this the year paper greeting cards join Tupperware and the dodo bird in history’s archive of nostalgia? Tupperware, once an...

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The Shortcut to Attention

The Shortcut to Attention

Marketing brands are competing with more noise than ever. How do you capture the attention of an over stimulated audience? That is the magic question. With consumer attention spans changing gears faster than ever, brands have 3 seconds to grab someone’s focus before...

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Legacy Brand: Embracing Bold Moves

Legacy Brand: Embracing Bold Moves

Embracing Bold Moves: When and How to Rebrand a Legacy Brand’s Packaging Without Losing Heritage Legacy brands carry a rich history, often evoking nostalgia and trust among loyal consumers. However, as consumer tastes evolve, even iconic brands must refresh their...

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