Online Security: Is it a myth?

Online Security: Is it a myth?

Is our expectation for Online Security unrealistic? Considering the speed of technology and information, by the time you read this it may already be old news. After Jennifer Lawrence and other celebrity iCloud accounts were hacked resulting in leaked nude photos, I...
Flexing Creative: Increase Brand Value

Flexing Creative: Increase Brand Value

Brand value is based upon the sum of all its parts. Those parts are: a brand name, its marketing, the relationship the brand has with its target base, its intent and its history. Additionally, to a large degree brand value or brand equity is based on its level of...
Brand Marketing: Making a Mark Effectively

Brand Marketing: Making a Mark Effectively

Brand marketing, figuratively speaking, has always been about placing a “stake in the sand”. Literally, this means determining a stance composed of strategy, a slew of tactics and the commitment to stay the course. However in today’s workplace and at...