As the business world is rapidly ever-changing, the concept of ‘value add’ or ‘value added’ becomes even more important to address. Has the ‘value added’ concept become like the tipping issue? In the wake of the pandemic, tipping values have increased… and more importantly, it is now more expected to leave a tip than ever! Does this translate into the B2B arena, where just providing the ask is the ‘value add’?

Shouldn’t value be about going above and beyond, every time that you can? To my way of thinking, that’s when there’s value added.

The Consumer Landscape;  ‘Value Adds’ Galore!
Today’s consumer landscape is rampant with ‘value adds’ that are more focused on eco-friendliness, sustainability, charities and addressing social concerns. The pandemic has only heightened the importance of these values. Brands that have been around for a while, proven their worth, and built a following have intrinsic value. However, to stay relevant and maintain their value, they need to align themselves with the evolving values of consumers, such as environmental responsibility and ethical practices.

Value Added in the Business World: Being an Integral Part of the Client’s Team
The post-Covid environment has undoubtedly affected business relationships. Companies have had to adapt to new ways of working and communicating, and this has placed a greater emphasis on the importance of building trust and understanding the evolving needs of clients. Now, more than ever, clients are looking for partners who can help them navigate the challenges brought about by the pandemic and align with their values.
Clients have had to grapple with supply chain issues, team building issues, and, like all businesses, finding new hires to get the work done. Most clients are over-stretched, and ‘value add’ for them is for us to be more than ever a part of their team—their go-to resource—all the while staying one step ahead to ensure that objectives, as well as meeting timelines, and delivering everything we’ve always delivered.

My viewpoint and what I’ve instilled in my entire organization is that for our clients, ‘value add’ doesn’t mean giving them great creative. They expect great creative.That should be the given.

Why else do you go to a creative marketing agency? It doesn’t mean delivering on time, that’s an expectation from the outset. It doesn’t mean delivering results. That’s expected too. So what does ‘value add’ mean?

‘Value add’ in a today’s business world happens when we anticipate what the client needs before they need it and align with their values. It’s when we nudge them by showing them there’s a better way. It’s by surprising them with things that they didn’t expect; things that help and wow them. ‘Value add’ is exceeding beyond what our clients expect and giving them a reason to keep coming back. It’s making them feel good about working with us because not only are we delivering on their expectation, we are adding value to the service and valuing them as clients by exceeding their preconceived expectations.
At its core, value add should be about building relationships and aligning with clients’ values, such as sustainability and ethical practices, in today’s evolving world.

Jump! How High? That’s not ‘value added’.
Leap as high as we can for our clients before they ask us to jump… now that’s adding value.

What is your idea of ‘value added’ in today’s business dynamics? The business landscape has changed the way we should think about adding value for clients. It’s no longer just about delivering on expectations, but also being an integral part of their team, anticipating their needs, and aligning with their values and understanding their business. Although this has been the 3H mantra and way of business for 35 years, I wonder if that has been the case for many businesses. In this new normal, we must all be proactive in addressing challenges, such as supply chain disruptions, team building, marketing landscape transitions and talent acquisition. Our commitment in exceeding expectations and offering exceptional service to our clients is more important than ever. Only by doing so, can we help them navigate the complexities of today’s business world and ultimately strengthen our business relationships.

I’d be interested to hear your thoughts on the concept of ‘value add’ in your world. How has it evolved in the wake of the pandemic, and what measures have you taken to ensure you continue to provide value for your clients? Share your insights and experiences, as we all adapt and learn from each other in this new era.